Saturday, November 21, 2015

My experience running the 2015 New York City Marathon

Getting in

Getting into the NYC Marathon is hard. You can qualify by time if you are a very fast runner; you can join through a charity if you commit to raise a minimum goal for them (e.g. the goal for Team For Kids is $2,620); you can join through an international travel partner if you live outside the US; or join via sweepstakes. In my case I joined via sweepstakes. This was my second time participating in the sweepstakes. The fee for joining the sweepstakes was $11. There used to be a option in which if you joined the sweepstakes multiple years in a row you were guaranteed entry on the third year, that is no longer an option. I was very fortunate since supposedly only 11% of the people joining the sweepstakes got in 2015. This is the most expensive race I've ran, the entry fee was $255 in 2015.


I booked a hotel near Times Square months ahead. I was able to get enough points through a credit card offer, otherwise I would've paid between $200-$400 per night. I arrived to NYC on Saturday. The expo (Javits Center) is within walking distance from Times Square. This was the last day of the expo and they close early that day (5pm). I got in around 4:30pm. The vendors' portion of the expo closed exactly at 5pm. I assume the bib distribution remains open for a bit longer, but do not know for sure, this is one of my biggest fears when running out of town: not getting to the expo on time to pick your bib.

Getting to the start line

Getting to the start line is a challenge. There are 2 transportation options offered: a direct bus taken from the NY Metropolitan Library or a ferry taken from the Whitehall Ferry Terminal. I chose the ferry option because I would have to depart an hour earlier if I picked the bus. However there is no strict enforcement on the times assigned so in most cases you can switch at the last minute (at least that is what a fellow runner shared, he was able to take the bus instead of the ferry with no questions asked).

My assigned time for the Ferry was at 8:15am (my start time was 10:40am). I thought I had plenty of time. I left my hotel around 7:30am. I took the yellow line near Times Square and arrived outside the terminal around 8am. There was already a line, I was outside terminal for over 20 minutes and another 15 inside the terminal. Once I hopped on the Ferry it was about a 30 minute ride. I strongly recommend walking outside to take a look at the Statue of Liberty. It was very windy, but it's a great photo opportunity, don't miss it!

Once we got off the ferry, we had to wait in line for another 15-20 to hop on a bus. I got on the bus around 9:25am. I thought I still have over an hour, plenty of time. The bus ride took about 30 minutes, so I got off around 10am. The line in security was very short, I was finally inside the village around 10:05am. I was dropped on the green side of the village and after asking for information I learned that I needed to be inside my corral by 10:15am or else I would need to wait for the subsequent start at 11am. I ran to my Orange corral and made it just in time!


You start off on the Verrazano bridge, this is the bridge that takes you from New Staton intro Brooklyn. It's the iconic picture that you see in most pictures for the NYC Marathon. It was long and steep, but it was also very crowded, so you can't really go fast in the first mile. There were also several clothes, gloves, hats lying around specially on the sides in spite of the many cloth donation containers available throughout the start area.

After the bridge you get into Brooklyn. The first few miles were packed even though there are parallel running groups that do not converge fully until around mile 8. From mile 2 through mile 13 you are within Brooklyn. There were water stations pretty much every single mile. At the time I was running, garbage was not being picked up and there were also no trash cans within sight, so every station was like a minefield of paper cups and consequently it was hard not to slow down through the stations.

What makes this Marathon unique in the world is the amount of people cheering, it's non stop! Most big city Marathon have large crowd support, but I'm pretty sure NYC beats most. Except for the bridges where people were not allowed, cheering was non stop, very impressive!


Shortly after passing the half marathon marker you will be in Queens. Mile 14 goes around Queens, then came mile 15 which for me personally was the toughest part of the course, and I wasn't expecting it. Mile 15 goes entirely through a bridge, Queensboro Bridge, even though it does not show in the elevation chart, for me it felt like we were just going uphill, maybe it was because we were in the lower floor of the bridge and the fact that it is a mile long bridge, it felt like we were in there forever. Also there is no cheering in the bridge. The scenery on the first half of the bridge is great, you can seen One World Trade Center and the United Nations building. It is a great photo spot.

Once you are off the bridge, you are in Manhattan. The next 3 miles (16-19) take you through Manhattan heading North towards the Bronx on 1st Avenue. This is also mostly uphill so there is no much break after the bridge. However the crowd was nonstop along these miles. It is also a pretty wide avenue so that gives you more room to breath and to speed if you have the energy.

Mile 19 takes you into the Bronx, but only briefly for about a mile (mile 20). Mile 21 takes you back to Manhattan. Right around 130th street I saw a group of people cheering loudly for one of the runners, they even ran about a block with the runner. I thought that was a very special cheering group from what appeared to be the runner's family and close friends. Then I noticed other runners taking pictures with the runner. Once I approached her, even though I was not entirely sure, I thought that must be Alicia Keys. I had read that she was running the Marathon. I later confirmed it was indeed her! She finished around 5:50.


Right after mile 22 you get into Central Park, but then you get into mile 23 which I knew from the elevation charts, it was going to be one of the toughest ones, and indeed it was. The last 2 miles were tough, but the crowd support literally carries you through the finish line. I finished at 4:51. This was my 6th Marathon and it was my second worst time. The only other worse time was my first Marathon (4:58). Even though I was not expecting to do this bad, I'll take it anytime, it was a priceless experience! I would love to be back if I get another chance in the future!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Why would anybody want to run an ultramarathon?

This Saturday I ran my first Ultramarathon, the Lt. JC Stone 50K Ultramarathon. I did it mostly out of curiosity. I had ran 2 marathons before and I wanted to see if I could run a longer distance. I chose the JC Stone ultra because it is one of the shorter distances for an ultramarathon (50K) and because it is 6 laps around the North Park lake in Wexford, PA, a course I'm very familiar with. This was a very low ceremonial race compared to your typical city marathon. The park is not closed to the public, so you run along with walkers, runners and bikers that regularly visit the park. Other than the bibs, it was very hard to tell apart the 85 runners in the race. There were 77 finishers this year. It was incredibly difficult for me, specially the last 2 laps.

Most people think running a Marathon is crazy, running anything longer is insane. The reaction I got from some friends is that I was nuts. Why would anybody want to run such a distance? That got me thinking... and my answer to them is: because I can. Because I am blessed with 2 healthy legs. Why wouldn't I? More importantly... why wouldn't you? It is definitely a daunting and challenging task. I could say it took me over 3 years of training. I had been running 5k and 10k races for years. However I had not run anything longer than 10K until less than 3 years ago. I ran my first half marathon in 2011, followed by first marathon in 2012 and my second in 2013. It does take training, dedication, persistence and a lot of will, but I'm convinced that if you have 2 healthy legs, you can do it too.

The 1st place Ben, finished in 3:17 and arrived almost a full lap before the 2nd place. Hats off to them! I do think they are in a gifted group of elite runners that has a unique talent that not anybody can develop. But when it comes to ordinary people, average runners like you and me, I am convinced that you can do it too. This race had a very unique set of runners, probably more so than any other race I have been to. To give you a sample of such average runners I'd like to share, what in my record book are the winners of this race:

3rd Place: Gerald with a finish time of 6:29. Gerald is only 71 years young! Enough said! Who wouldn't want to grow old like him? Of course, you may argue he has probably done this all his life. I do not know his background, but that is partially true, he actually finish this same race in 2013, 2012 and in 2011!

2nd place: Anthony with a finish time of 5:59. Anthony is only 17 years old! He finished right behind me, I didn't even see him closing in, otherwise I would have gladly conceded my finishing spot. You may argue that's easy for him because he is young and full life. But consider the irony in this, unless he is turning 18 by May 4th he is not allowed to participate in the Pittsburgh Marathon or most any other city Marathon! The minimum required age to participate is 18, how ironic. Congrats Anthony on a great race!

1st place: Tom with a finish time of 6:49. Tom proves my point that anybody can run this distance. Tom did not even run with what one would call "proper" running clothes. He was wearing a cotton shirt, regular shorts and his shoes don't even look like running shoes to me. I saw him running around the park, but I did not see his bib and I had no idea he was running this race. He also gets bonus points for being overweight. I have been overweight most of my life. I once got injured when I tried to run 10K while I was "severely obese" based on my BMI. I gave up running that distance for about 5 years and my advice to anyone with BMI over 30 points would be to stick to shorter distances (e.g. 5K). I have no idea what Tom's BMI is, but he has prove that I was completely wrong. Being overweight may be a deterrent to run long distances, but it's clearly possible to do it. Kudos to Tom for finishing this race!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where to donate used cooking oil in Pittsburgh

UPDATE 01/2016: GTech Strategies/ReFuel Pgh no longer has drop off bins at either of the locations below, including WholeFoods Market. Fossil Free Fuel takes donations, but I'm trying to confirm from them if they accept used cooking oil. I will post more when I hear back from them.

There are 2 collection bins provided by ReFuel Pgh. One is located in Whole Foods Market on Shadyside. I have been taking my used oil to this bin for the past 2+ years. However I recently (Feb 2014) stopped by and the bin was no longer located outside the store. I had to ask 3 employees and the 3rd one was the only one that knew that it had been relocated near the garage, i.e. on the Starbucks Cofee side, but on the end next to railroad.

The second bin which I just recently learned about is in South Oakland, by the Dan Marino field which is in the corner of Dawson St & Frazier St. You'll see a red fence with a sign that reads "Frazier Farms":

My wife takes the credit for collecting the oil, I'm just in charge of dropping it off. You can put it in any clean plastic (e.g. gallon of milk, water bottle) container. You just need to let it cool off after cooking and put it in the container and then just drop it off once you fill up your container. GTECH turns this into an alternative diesel that funds education programs:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Windows and Mac OS X Program and Keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet

I’m a long time Windows user that recently migrated to Mac OS X (10.8.2). This blog can be used as a cheat sheet for learning or remembering keyboard shortcuts and popular programs bundled into the OS.

Keyboard shortcuts/keystrokes
Mac OS
Delete (character in front of cursor)
Fn + delete
As a Windows user this is something I missed a lot, having a delete key
Backspace (delete character before cursor)

Control key
In some cases the Control key is used in MacOS instead of Command
Command + C
Control + C

Command + V
Control + V

Command + Z
Control + Z

Command + Y
Control + Y

Close Window
Command + W
Control + W

Command + F
Control + F

Select All
Command + A
Control + A

Maximize Window
Control + F10

Minimize Window
Command + M
Control + M

Function keys (e.g. F1, F2, F3, etc)
Fn + Function key
Function key

Switch programs
Command + tab
Control + tab

Force quit application
Command + option + esc
Control + Alt Delete

Lock Computer
Control + Shift + Power
Ctl + Alt + Del
Click on ‘Lock Computer’
Windows logo key + L

Scroll Page Up/Down
Fn + Up/Down
Page Up/Page Down
I certainly miss the Page Up/Page Down keys
Scroll Top/Bottom of Page
Command + Up/Down
Control + Home/End
The MacOS keystroke works in browsers, but does not work in Word
Scroll by Word
Option + Left/Right
Control + Left/Right

Select through end of line
Shift + Command + Right
Shift + End
I definitely miss the home/end keys
Select through beginning of line
Shift + Command + End
Shift + Home

Select/unselect text by word
Shift + Option + Left/Right
Shift + Control + Left/Right

Capture screen to clipboard
Command + Control + Shift + 3
Print Screen

Capture current window to clipboard
Command + Control + Shift + 4 + Space
Alt + Print Screen

Microsoft Office shortcuts (applies to most editing software)
Word for Mac 2011
Word (Windows)
Repeat last action
Command + Y
Option + Return
This can be customized: Tools -> Customize Keyboard -> Edit -> EditRedoOrRepeat
Command + B
Control + B

Command + I
Control + I

Clear Selected Text From a Table Cell/Row
Fn + Delete
The delete key in Mac will actually delete the entire cell/row

Program description
Mac OS
File system viewer
Windows Explorer

Text Editor

View System Processes
Activity Monitor
Task Manager

Control Panel
System Preferences
Control Panel

OS Command Window
Command Prompt
I constantly confuse this with Console
System Log/Event viewer
Event Viewer

Deleted Files viewer
Recycle Bin

Screen Image Capture